Entries by jaliisah

Care and Comfort of the Newborn Foal

It is such a wonderful moment when that new baby’s wet little body first emerges from the mare! There is just no other feeling in the world quite like it. But now you are responsible for a beautiful new life, what do you do next? I have clean towels in my foaling kit and start […]

What If My Maiden Mare Won’t Feed Her Foal?

How to Care for Your Foal If the Mother Won’t Feed It We all have times when a foal is born and the mare won’t allow it to nurse. Instead of feeding her baby, she just turns away from it. She will generally clean and care for the baby and appears to love it, but […]

One of those girls…

I was one of those little girls who was inexplicably born with horses on her mind. You all probably know at least one and may have been one yourself. No one else in my family would have given a nickel for the finest horse ever born. I grew up collecting plastic and ceramic horses, and […]